The Year 1981

Sleepy Hollow H. S.

No. Tarrytown, N.Y.

A Class Act


Music Arrives!

(What took
so long?)


Click on Photo Above;

Enjoy Viewing Chris-

topher Croft Singing:

"Arthur's Theme."


Christopher was nomi-

nated for a Grammy

Award: Best pop vocal

performance, male.



Did you ever frequent the tavern:

The Huddle ?

Was it mainly because of its

sports theme--or was it more--

for what was being served?



This web page has received input from
SHHS alumni, including one or more
who attended in the year 1981. It has no
formal connection to the Class of 1981.




which students

were named:

“Best All Around”?

Tony Smith

Robyn Maceyak

Jon Arduino

Carolyn Hertzberg


We bet some of their

classmates are profile-

editing on Facebook!


(Public Facebook

URLs follow–if using

Chrome, NO Facebook

is required.)



If a box appears,

touch or click the

'X' to see info.

If you aren't a Face-

book member & using a

phone, may I suggest

using the FIREFOX

browser when viewing

these Class pages?

(It works for me!)

If a request appears--

to open another app--

hit the cancel button.


To join this group,

sign-on to Facebook

& type-in this URL:



At lunchtime, did you ever

walk from S.H.H.S. to the:

If so, you weren't alone!


(Click on or touch its name

above to learn more!)


While never a resident of our

villages, starting in fall, 1970,

budding movie/TV actress

Kathleen Beller

(daughter of our math

teacher, Mr. Jesse Beller)

did attend S.H.H.S.

Please now enjoy this short set

of clips from her 1981 film:






Math teacher

Mr. Jesse


M.A., New York Univ.



(Remembered also as

our able Talent Show


a multi-year period!)


Above, enjoy this piano

piece; he continues as a key-

board master (here, at 89).


Now touch or click on the

link below; Jesse is still go-

ing strong, 10 years later:



(Thanks to the Blacksberg brothers,

of the SHHS Classes of 1968 & 1971,

for keeping us so well up-to-date

on Mr. Jesse Beller & his music.)



May 31, 1981

Not yet graduation day--

but it just happened to

be--the 16th birthday

of--Brooke Shields!


Here she is, shop-

ping with Mom in

N.Y.C. that day--

for a kiss.


P.S.: Just kidding--

gotta love Brooke!

Watch one of her

commercials !

(Touch or click on the
last word above.)



See a Scene Filmed

Outside of Our Own

W.I.J.H.S. !

(Touch or click on
the initials above;
taken from "Senior
Trip," 1981 Made-
for-TV Movie.)


See more Tarrytown

& NT photos on the

Landing Page

Touch or click--above--or




Raiders of the Lost

Ark was the top the-

atrical movie in 1981.


Dallas was the most

popular TV program.

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